TID #101

Good day TRC and Friends! With the war raging in Israel, we decided to talk about, yes, Israel. 

How should we interpret various Bible verses and chapters that speak about Israel as being more than Abraham’s bodily descendants? Who are the Palestinians? Who named the land Palestine? Why? 

Lots to cover. One thing we didn’t talk about was Isaac and Ishmael as the source of two nations. We should have covered that, so I’d encourage you to dig into the Scriptures, unpack that, and do some extra-biblical work on those two nations. 

This is a simple and complicated issue all at the same time. Perhaps the simplicity leads to people’s complicated responses to it, and some might say it’s just complicated. That’s why we needed to talk about it. So, give it a go, and let us know more things we might need to discuss. 

Thanks for listening or watching!

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