TID #97 Living by Faith in the Moment

Good day TRC and Friends. I’m late in posting this newest episode to the blog. We had a good and busy weekend, and I simply did not get to it on Saturday. 

In our 97th podcast, me and Chris talk about what it is to live by faith in the moment. 

A common thread among some of us is the question of how we live faithfully right now and not ignore the moment by being distracted by tomorrow.

We attempt to unpack this with some Scripture and some insights from a few folks. 

WARNING: I use some points of help from a man who has some theological points that are out of the boundaries of orthodoxy. If you look him up, don’t believe everything he says or writes. He’s wrong. I pulled Richard Rohr’s “Five Essential Truths” from Pete Scazzero’s work on emotionally healthy spirituality. Although Rohr is on a different team, he got a few things right in his observations. One faithful listener commented that even a broken clock is right two times a day. That’s true. 

Unbelievers can observe true things, and when they do, we take them as true, give Jesus glory, and move on. 

So, we invite you to listen and see if you are helped on the way to doing Matthew 6 by not fretting about tomorrow, and seeking the kingdom first right now. 

I know this kind of living creates tension, and it is in that tension that we find faithfulness to the Lord, and often find a tangible manifestation of the Lord’s presence. 


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